Friday, November 24, 2006

How'd It Go?

I slept around 4 hours last night and I've been up for 18 and 1/2 hours now. Today was exhausting. Mentally, physically, and well that is pretty much it. The Best Buy line was completely out of control. We waited until an hour after they opened because it was so long outside (people started lining up at noon yesterday). We still had to wait an hour in line. It wasn't so bad, we passed the time with clever games and picking up other merchandise. We got DVDs for $2.99! Even newer releases were that price. I didn't get the laptop for $299, big surprise there. We saw lots of empty stores by 10. All in all it was a success and a lot of fun. I didn't get much shopping done as I have NO idea what to get the kids. I think some of what I did get will go back. Things were easier when they were smaller.

I did not see one fight today, although I did hear about a few. I need to send out a special thanks to Amanda for hanging in there and driving me all over the town, Amanda's brother for an excellent, free Bob Evans breakfast, and Dan for keeping Megan all day. I can't wait till we can do it again next year.


Queen Bee said...

So no pics then? James and I were shopping the other day and saw the most hideous red pj pants on a very large man...made me wish for a camera phone!

Christi said...

I took the camera, but was too tired to break it out! I took one pic with my phone, but I'm too cheap to send it!