Thursday, January 04, 2007

Not Another Teen Movie

I have bad skin. I've always had bad skin. I remember one year, the week before school started, I decided that I would cure my acne once and for all. I used everything I could find in the medicine cabinet and scrubbed my face on the hour, every hour, for days. It didn't work. I considered the toilet chemicals under the sink, but I was afraid of a chemical reaction that would cause my head to explode. Not pretty. Instead I grew out my bangs and it helped a lot.

Ever since my hair cut a few weeks back, I've actually been 'doing' my hair. Which requires hairspray. And hair on my face. And skin. Which means? Breakout time. I clean my face twice a day to no avail. Seriously, how many people in their late 20's have to deal with a Rudolph nose? (yes, bright red, on the tip)

Thanks Mom.


Queen Bee said...

That's nothing, hon, I'm in my early 40s and still dealing with wonderful skin :P

Karen said...

Amen to that! I don't think I'll ever get rid of bad skin. *sigh*