Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good Point - Peeves Remix

The issue of things spelled creatively came up in the comments. The example was 'Kindergarten Korner'. I HATE THAT. I do not like it when 'ks' becomes 'x' as in Worx or Chex. I don't do Kookie Kutters or Kritters, not even Kustom Kolors. I don't say thanx (maybe once). I'm not kool enough. or kewl. When I was 5 I informed the cashier at Toys R Us that their R was backward on the sign outside. She laughed and tried to explain it. I still think it is stupid.

The only - and I mean only - place that doesn't bother me: Krispy Kreme. Even I can't complain when the doughnuts are that good.

And sorry to all the mothers that have decided that there are 45 ways to spell Mackenzie. That is just wrong. As a child I never could find pencils with my name on them. I'm still trying to recover.


Queen Bee said...

45 ways? Oh my! I'm with you on the no pencils thing, I finally at age 39 found something with my name on it (a magnet, I couldn't believe it, even though it was kind of tacky I bought it anyway). Oh Krispy Kreme, I can't wait to get to Reno!!

The Cluck Wagon said...

I could never find any pencils that said "Traci"